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DOS Confirms Nonimmigrant Visa Fee Increases to Take Effect June 17, 2023

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The United States Department of State (“DOS”) has confirmed that previously proposed nonimmigrant visa fees will now go into effect on June 17, 2023. Visa application fees for visitor visas for business or tourism (B-1/B-2s and BCCs), and other non-petition based NIVs, such as student and exchange visitor visas (F, M, and J visas), will […]

Nonimmigrant Visas and I-485 Employment Authorization Document Approval – Valid Status

Many persons who are lawfully present in the U.S. in valid nonimmigrant visa status are eligible to file a Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (“I-485 Application”) and “adjust” their status from nonimmigrant status to lawful permanent resident status if they qualify for an immigrant visa classification.  For example, nonimmigrants in […]

Biden Administration Initiative to Attract STEM Talent to the United States

Pursuant to a Biden Administration initiative, on January 21, 2022, the Departments of State (“DOS”) and Homeland Security (“DHS”) announced new actions related to STEM work authorization, J-1 Researchers, National Interest Waivers, and O-1 Extraordinary Ability Workers.  You can read the White House Fact Sheet here. “The Biden-Harris Administration believes that one of America’s greatest […]

DOS Authorizes F M and J Academic Visa Interview Waivers Through End of 2021

As an additional measure aimed at reducing visa application backlogs and freeing up available resources at U.S. Embassies and Consulates, the United States Department of State (“DOS”) will allow consular officers to waive in-person interviews for F, M, and J academic visas. The new DOS policy, which will run until the end of the year, […]

Announcement: DHS Issues Revised Policy on Foreign Students Outside the United States

A week after United States Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) rescinded it’s earlier policy requiring foreign students to depart the United States if their educational institutions were moving to full-time online courses for fall semester 2020, DHS has announced that foreign students not currently enrolled as of March 9, 2020 will “likely not be able […]

Announcement: Trump Administration Rescinds Policy on Foreign Students

The Trump Administration is rescinding its policy which would require foreign students to depart the United States if they are only taking classes online. The policy reversal came because of heavy criticism from both Republicans and Democrats who argued that the new rule would be disruptive to students and undermine the value of education. The […]

Trump has no interest in addressing border issues or immigration reform

While this recent op-ed (opinion-editorial) article in the Los Angeles Times, focuses on President Trump and his ongoing war with the U.S. and Mexico border and its illegal immigration issues, the article points out that the Trump administration has, according to the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), radically slowed the processing of immigration applications and […]

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