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Enterline and Partners Featured Clients on Successfully Naturalizing as a U.S. Citizen

Enterline and Partners is pleased to feature its clients, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schroeder on a successful case outcome. In mid-2020 during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder were referred to our office regarding their desire to immigrate to the United States. Mr. Schroeder, an American expatriate, had been living […]

How Can a Lawful Permanent Resident Green Card Holder Become a U.S. Citizen?

A Lawful Permanent Resident (“LPR”) or “Green Card Holder” can become a U.S. citizen through naturalization if they generally meet certain requirements. LPR Status/ Green Card Holder Status. You must be an LPR/ Green Card Holder at the time of filing for naturalization. You must have also maintained their LPR/ Green Card Holder status without […]

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