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Nonimmigrant Visa Dropbox Renewal Eligibility Reverts Back to Pre-COVID Standards

Effective immediately, the United States Department of State (“DOS”) has revised the requirements for interview waiver eligibility (commonly referred to as dropbox eligibility) to applicants renewing a nonimmigrant visa in the classification that expired within the past twelve (“12”) months. Previously, some nonimmigrant visa applicants were eligible to renew through dropbox and avoid having an […]

Enterline and Partners Successfully Expedites Form I-130 Petition with Direct Consular Filing at the U.S. Embassy in Manila

Enterline and Partners is pleased to announce that our attorneys have successfully represented their clients through Direct Consular Filing (“DCF”) of a Form I-130 Petition for Alien Relative (“I-130 Petition) at the U.S. Embassy in Manila (“Embassy’). Our clients, a U.S. citizen and a Philippines citizen, were seeking an alternative to the long waiting periods […]

What is the Doctrine of Consular Nonreviewability?

The doctrine of consular nonreviewability refers to visa decisions decided by consular officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates cannot be appealed to courts within the United States. The doctrine applies very broadly to decisions made by consular officers whether they apply to foreign nationals who have been refused an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa or by […]

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