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What Does A 214(b) Refusal Mean in U.S. Immigration Law?

A 214(b) refusal in U.S. immigration law refers to a specific section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”) that is often cited when a U.S. consular officer denies a nonimmigrant visa application. This section applies primarily to individuals applying for visitor visas (B-1 for business visitors and B-2 for

How Long Does My Passport Have to Be Valid Before Being Issued a U.S. Visa?

Most countries require foreign nationals to have a passport valid for at least six (6) months prior to the date of entry.  The U.S. also has similar rules for entry and also for the issuance of a visa.   While many countries have agreements with the United States whereby their national’s

Covid-Era Visa Application Fee Receipts Set to Expire on September 30, 2023

The U.S. Department of State (“DOS”) has announced that all receipts for payment of Machine-Readable Visa (“MRV”) fees issued before October 1, 2022 will expire September 30, 2023. There will be no extensions of fee validity. Applicants must schedule an appointment or submit an interview waiver application before September 30,

USCIS Launches New Online Appointment Request Form

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) recently launched a new online form allowing individuals, attorneys, and accredited representatives to request an in-person meeting at their local field offices without having to call the USCIS Contact Center. The new online appointment request form enables both individuals and their legal

Will U.S. Immigration Services Offer Special Relief to Permanent Residents Who Return to the United States After Being Abroad for More Than One Year Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (“CBP”) has not announced any special relief  to a lawful permanent resident (“LPR’) who has remained outside the United States for more than one year because of  COVID-19 travel and movement restrictions. Currently, a LPR who was remained outside the United States irrespective

What Happens to a Lawful Permanent Resident if They Have Been Outside the United States for More than One Year Because of COVID-19 Travel Restrictions?

Due to significant travel and movement restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Lawful Permanent Residents (“LPR”’) have found themselves stranded abroad and thus unable to travel to the United States despite not having the intention of abandoning their LPR status.   All permanent residents receive an identification called a Form I-551

USCIS Extends Flexibility for Responding to Agency Requests

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) is extending the time within which to reply to certain notices and requests that is originally announced on March 30, 2020.{ https://enterlinepartners.com/language/en/announcement-extended-deadlines-to-respond-to-rfes-and-noids/ } The extension applies to any stakeholder that is responding to the following: Requests for Evidence; Continuations to Request Evidence (N-14);

Federal Court to Allow Public Charge Inadmissibility to Resume

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit lifted an injunction issued by a federal judge allowing the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) to resume public charge inadmissibility. The most recent ruling has been part of intense ongoing litigation since DHS, under the direction of  the Trump Administration,

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