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News & Resources

Enterline Obtains another Approval to Expedite Investor’s I-526 Petition

Enterline and Partners Consulting Managing Partner David Enterline has obtained another approval from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Investor Program Office (“USCIS IPO”) to expedite the review of his investor’s I-526 Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur (“I-526 Petition”).  An approval of a request to expedite the review of

David Enterline Receives I-829 Approval Award From IIUSA

David Enterline of Enterline and Partners was recognized by IIUSA as having obtained I-829 approvals for his EB-5 immigrant investor clients in 2020 and 2021.  David will be recognized along with a select group of EB-5 Regional Centers and experienced EB-5 attorneys successfully assisting their investors and clients. The award

What is Extreme Hardship in a Waiver Application?

One way immigrant visa applicants may be eligible for a waiver of a refused immigrant visa is to file a Form I-601 Waiver of Inadmissibility through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) and  demonstrate that they have a qualifying U.S. relative (spouse or child) and who would suffer “extreme

USCIS Posts Notices Regarding the EB-5 Regional Center Program Petition Processing

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) has posted several alerts on its EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program webpage updating the public on the status of Form I-526 and Form I-829 Petitions.  The alerts read: “Alert: We will continue to adjudicate Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident

Announcement: Extended deadlines to respond to RFEs and NOIDs

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) has announced that it is extending the deadline to reply to requests for evidence (“RFE”) and notices of intent to deny (“NOID”) in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For applicants and petitioners who receive an RFE or NOID dated between March 1st and

Announcement: USCIS Extends In-Person Services Suspension Through April 7, 2020

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) will extend the suspension of in-person services at field offices, asylum offices and application support centers through April 7, 2020. The USCIS had originally cancelled in-person operations on March 18th and was expected to recommence on April 1st in an effort to help contain

Announcement: USCIS Temporarily Accepts Electronic Reproduced Signature on All Forms

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) announced that it will accept benefit forms and documents with reproduced original signatures for submissions dated March 21, 2020 and thereafter. The policy change was made in response to the Coronavirus National Emergency declared by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020. While USCIS

Announcement: USCIS Suspends Form I-129 and I-140 Premium Processing

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) has temporarily suspended its premium processing option for all Form I-129 and I-140 petitions until further notice due to the ongoing efforts to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. Petitions using a Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing accepted prior to March 20, 2020

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