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News & Resources

The Visa Waiting Time for the Family-Based First Preference Immigrant Visa Category

Family-based immigration is an important aspect of the United States immigration system, which allows citizens and lawful permanent residents to sponsor their close relatives. One of the family-based immigrant visa categories is the first preference category, which is for unmarried adult children (21 years or older) of U.S. citizens; often

A Poem for EB-5

U.S.-oriented, the goal of investment immigration EB-5 program is a choice of individuals, an opportunity to create a life of freedom Entrepreneurial development in this land, stepping towards success Infinite possibilities, the beauty of the future gradually unveiled An investment in exchange for a visa, achieving a win-win outcome A

The Visa Waiting Time for the Family-Based Fourth Preference Immigrant Visa Category

The U.S. immigration system provides several categories for individuals seeking to immigrate to the United States based on their familial relationships with U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. The fourth preference category (also known as the “F4” category) is for brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens. If you are the

Announcement: All Routine U.S. Visa Interviews in Vietnam Cancelled

The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi and the U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City has announced that all routine visa interviews will be cancelled as of March 19th in an effort to impede the spread of the Coronavirus. Applicants with an urgent travel matter may request an expedited appointment which

Enterline and Partners Lawyers Speak at Regional Conference

Ryan Barshop and David Enterline of Enterline and Partners recently spoke at the American Immigration Lawyers Association (“AILA”), Bangkok District Chapter (“BDC”), “8th Annual Consular Processing Conference” in Taipei, Taiwan. AILA is an international organization of more than 15,000 attorneys and law professors who practice and teach immigration law. Ryan

Announcement: All Visa Interviews at the U.S. Embassy in Manila are Cancelled

In light of the Philippines government decision to impose a city-wide lockdown around Metro Manila to contain the Coronavirus, the U.S. Embassy has announced that all immigrant and non-immigrant visa interviews have been cancelled as of March 16, 2020. Visa interviews will resume as soon as possible. More information can

National Interest Waivers for EB-2 Applicants

The Employment Based Second Preference Immigrant Visa Category (EB-2) Advanced Degree Holder and Person of Exceptional Ability with National Interest Waivers. Previously we wrote about the qualifications for an Employment Based Second Preference (EB-2) Immigrant Visa which is for persons who have an advanced degree or persons with exceptional ability

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