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News & Resources

USCIS Will No Longer Accept I-407 at International Field Offices

Beginning July 1, USCIS will no longer accept Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status at international field offices by mail or in person. Individuals who wish to voluntarily record abandonment of their lawful permanent resident (LPR) status must submit Form I-407 via mail to: USCIS Eastern

Ryan Barshop Esq., to Speak at AILA Nationals in Orlando, Florida

Enterline and Partners Consulting Partner Ryan Barshop will be speaking at the American Immigration Lawyers Association Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference, which will be held from June 19- 22 will be attended by immigration lawyers from all over the world. Mr. Barshop is scheduled to speak on Saturday,

Announcement: EAP Co-Founders Speak at Regional Conference

Enterline and Partners co-founders David Enterline and Ryan Barshop recently spoke at the American Immigration Lawyers Association Bangkok District Chapter (AILA BDC) in Bangkok, Thailand. David served as Discussion Leader and Ryan also sat on the panel entitled “How Can They Do It? Permanent Residents Living Overseas.” The panel focused

InfoPass Pilot Program Expansion – The Information Services Modernization Program

On October 30, 2018, USCIS announced plans to expand the InfoPass pilot program, known as the Information Services Modernization Program, to additional USCIS field offices throughout the United States. The Information Services Modernization Program ends self-scheduling of InfoPass appointments and instead encourages applicants to use USCIS online information resources to

Enterline helps Chinese Grenadian national obtain E-2 visa

We have helped Chinese investors who are Grenadian citizens quickly and successfully obtain E-2 visas. Let us help you! David Enterline, Founder and managing partners of Enterline & Partners, of counsel at Taipei Commercial Law Firm, has successfully obtained an E-2 visas for a Chinese investor who became a Grenadian

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Homeland Security Proposes To Define “Public Charge” For Immigration Purposes

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced that it will define the term “public charge” for immigration purposes. Currently, interviewing consular officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates are authorized to refuse a visa if it is in their opinion that they are likely to become a public charge.

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