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What Does A 214(b) Refusal Mean in U.S. Immigration Law?

A 214(b) refusal in U.S. immigration law refers to a specific section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”) that is often cited when a U.S. consular officer denies a nonimmigrant visa application. This section applies primarily to individuals applying for visitor visas (B-1 for business visitors and B-2 for tourists) but can also be […]

What is a B-1 Domestic Employee Visa

A B-1 visa for domestic employees, also known as a B-1 Domestic Employee Visa, allows foreign nationals who are employed by U.S. citizens or nonimmigrant visa holders living abroad to travel to  the United States to provide household services. The primary purpose of this visa is to enable employers to bring their domestic workers when […]

Preconceived Intent in U.S. Immigration Law: Factors and Potential Risks

The United States immigration system is designed to ensure that individuals seeking to enter the country do so lawfully and with genuine intentions. As part of this effort, one factor that U.S. immigration law considers is the concept of “preconceived intent”: the intention of individuals to engage in activities that may violate their originally proposed […]

DOS Confirms Nonimmigrant Visa Fee Increases to Take Effect June 17, 2023

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The United States Department of State (“DOS”) has confirmed that previously proposed nonimmigrant visa fees will now go into effect on June 17, 2023. Visa application fees for visitor visas for business or tourism (B-1/B-2s and BCCs), and other non-petition based NIVs, such as student and exchange visitor visas (F, M, and J visas), will […]

DOS to Delay Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Fees Until June 17, 2023

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The United States Department of State will delay increasing certain nonimmigrant visa application fees until June 17, 2023. The key fee changes implemented by the rule are as follows: Non-petition-based nonimmigrant visa applications including B-1/ B-2 Visitor Visas and J-1 Student Exchange Visas will be raised from $160 to $185. H, L, O, P, Q, […]

DOS to Raise Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Fees

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Effective May 30, 2023, the United States Department of State (“DOS”) will be increasing certain nonimmigrant visa application fees. Fees for B-1/ B-2 Visitor (Tourist and Business) Visas and J-1 Student and Exchange Visas will increase from US$160 to $185. The DOS will increase fees for certain petition-based nonimmigrant visas including H, L, O, P, […]

Can Pregnant Women Travel to the United States?

Following the Department of State’s amended regulations addressing birth tourism in January 2020, questions continue to be raised whether a pregnant woman may travel to the U.S. on a valid B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa for the sole purpose of giving birth regardless of whether she was issued the B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa prior to the new regulations […]

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