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Enterline helps Chinese Grenadian national obtain E-2 visa

We have helped Chinese investors who are Grenadian citizens quickly and successfully obtain E-2 visas. Let us help you! David Enterline, Founder and managing partners of Enterline & Partners, of counsel at Taipei Commercial Law Firm, has successfully obtained an E-2 visas for a Chinese investor who became a Grenadian

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Homeland Security Proposes To Define “Public Charge” For Immigration Purposes

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced that it will define the term “public charge” for immigration purposes. Currently, interviewing consular officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates are authorized to refuse a visa if it is in their opinion that they are likely to become a public charge.

USCIS Extends Certain EAD Validity to Five Years

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) is updating its Policy Manual regarding maximum validity for Employment Authorization Documents (“EAD”) issued to certain non-U.S. citizens. Non-U.S. citizens (i.e. those in the United States without Green Cards) must have employment authorization in order to work legally inside the United States.

Why Is My Case With USCIS Taking So Long?

Enterline and Partners Consulting lawyers are members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (“AILA”).  It often provides helpful tips, updates and information to its lawyer members and for the public. AILA provides the following flyer to help clients with long-pending USCIS cases understand the broader context of current processing delays. 

What Does A 214(b) Refusal Mean in U.S. Immigration Law?

A 214(b) refusal in U.S. immigration law refers to a specific section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”) that is often cited when a U.S. consular officer denies a nonimmigrant visa application. This section applies primarily to individuals applying for visitor visas (B-1 for business visitors and B-2 for

How Long Does My Passport Have to Be Valid Before Being Issued a U.S. Visa?

Most countries require foreign nationals to have a passport valid for at least six (6) months prior to the date of entry.  The U.S. also has similar rules for entry and also for the issuance of a visa.   While many countries have agreements with the United States whereby their national’s

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