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News & Resources

DOS Extends Nonimmigrant Visa Interview Waivers Through 2024

The United States Department of State (“DOS”) has consular officers’ authority to waive in-person interviews for certain nonimmigrant visas from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. The announcement, which was made on December 21, 2023 replaces the previous policy extending nonimmigrant visa waivers through December 31, 2023 and allows

White House Announces Pilot Program for H-1B Stateside Renewals

The White House has given the approval for a pilot program allowing a limited number of foreign nationals who are in the United States on H-1B nonimmigrant visas to renew their visas without having to leave the country. The United States Department of State indicated that the pilot program, RIN

Biden Issues Presidential Proclamation Suspending Entry to Individuals Engaged in Significant Corruption

On December 11, 2023, U.S. President Joseph Biden issued Proclamation 10685, Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Enabling Corruption (“Proclamation”). The Proclamation, which also includes immediate family members is intended to prevent individuals who engage in significant corruption from accessing the United States. The Proclamation, which is

What is the Adam Walsh Act Child Protection and Safety Act?

The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (“AWA”) is a U.S. federal statute that aims to protect children from sexual exploitation and violent crimes.  The AWA was named after Adam Walsh, a child who was abducted and murdered in the State of Florida in 1981. Following young

What is a Transportation Letter or Boarding Foil?

We have previously written about what lawful permanent residents can do if their Form I-551 “Green Card” has been lost, stolen, or destroyed and they are outside of the United States. In these articles, we have mentioned obtaining a travel letter or ‘Boarding Foil,” so they may return to the

Trump Extends Restrictions on Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants Through March

United States President Donald Trump has extended an earlier Presidential Proclamation restricting certain immigrant and nonimmigrant visa categories from consular processing in response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic. The Executive Order (“EO”), which was first issued in April 2020, restricted certain immigrant visa applicants from receiving their visas for at

Announcement – Nonimmigrant Visa Interview Waivers Temporarily Extended to 24 Months

The United States Department of State (“DOS”) has temporarily expanded the ability of DOS consular officers to waive in-person interview requirements for individuals applying for an expired nonimmigrant visa within the same category. Previously, in-person interview requirements were eligible for a waiver if the nonimmigrant visa applicant, such as a

What is an I-131A visa and will it allow me to reenter the United States?

An I-131A visa is for lawful permanent residents (“LPR”) whose Form I-551 “green card” was lost, stolen or destroyed while traveling outside the United States, or whose green card has expired, and who have been outside the U.S. for less than one year.  Such LPRs can apply at a U.S.

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